Hank Aaron's 755th home run ball
July 20, 1976
Hank Aaron, playing for the Milwaukee Brewers, slammed the final home run of his career against the California Angels, setting the home run record at 755. Richard Arndt, a part-time member of the Brewers grounds crew, grabbed the home run ball with every intention of giving it back. But when he wasn’t able to return it to Aaron in person, he decided to hold on to it, and the team fired him a few days later for not giving back the ball, which they considered their property. Arndt kept the ball in a safety deposit box until 1999 when Andrew J. Knuth, a money manager from Westport, Conn., bought it for a reported $650,000. In July 2007, Knuth said: “It will stay in my family, or it will go into the Hall of Fame. One or the other.”